Air Monitor

Air pollution is a problem getting worse and worse, and this is a threat to everyone’s life.  Researches indicate that air pollution is related to lots of diseases such as cancer, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and so forth.  Therefore, to protect people from polluted air indoors or outdoors, we need air monitors.  Especially for places like laboratories and chemical plants, which are always under the threat of air pollution, to monitor and eliminate the pollutants is the priority.

We have two types of air monitors, indoor air monitor and outdoor air monitor.  Air monitor module adopts spreading air exchange mode, available for sensing temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC, HCHO in the air and sending collected signals through Wi-Fi to data server for remote check and analysis.

For indoor air control, through the combination of purifier and our smart plug or switch, we can achieve automatic air monitoring and purifying perfectly.  User’s intervention is needless.  We don’t have to read the AQI information first, and then walk to the purifier to turn it on and turn it off  manually.  Therefore, we can always enjoy good air quality.  Besides, our system is applicable to most purifiers.  Therefore, our smart air control is the most economic choice.

Indoor Air Monitor  Outdoor Air Monitor