Library Air Quality Online Monitoring

Library air quality online monitoring is very important for the health of guests.  Library opens 10 hours every day.  People and paper concentrate plus some people’s gross hygiene habit, air in library becomes stagnant and foul.  To build a learning society and culture, library becomes more and more important.  Many libraries emphasize on book reservation, social function and architectural decoration, but neglect to improve of air quality, which makes people drowsy and causes bad influence on health.

library air quality online monitoring


Our environmental monitoring system applies IoT technology and air monitor, monitoring indoor temperature, humidity, illumination, particulate matter (PM2.5/PM10), CO2, VOC, formaldehyde, noise, and so on, gathering and transmitting data in real-time to monitor terminal and display terminal in order that management and guest can look over environmental data through monitor terminal and display screen.


Easy installation, wiring unnecessary
Fulfill intellectualization with lowest cost
Cloud platform
Made to order. Personalized setup, different access control

Components for building up the air monitoring center of a building:

1. Outdoor air monitoring (passage, office park)
Model no.: YL-GB500 outdoor air monitor
Detection types: temperature, humidity, noise, 6 AQI categories (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, CO, SO2, O3).
2. Indoor air monitoring (in office)
Model no.: YL-GB300 indoor air monitor (wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted)
Detection types: temperature, humidity, CO2, formaldehyde, VOC, etc.
3. Service system
Software system provides user a unified platform for online devices and data management. This system can be installed in cloud or local server.
4. Mobile application
Mobile APP and WeChat are the software provided for user’s mobile management. Users may check detection devices and data anytime and anywhere.
5. Multimedia display
System supports real-time displaying and announcing data of a single or several detection devices to various multimedia display screen such as tablet PC, multimedia Kiosk, LED screen, or TV, etc.


Our system software and cloud provide user various application and management function including management of devices, data and reports; setting of alarm, scenario, displays of indoor and outdoor monitoring and smart monitoring. Moreover, our APP realizes mobile management.