Solution for Air Quality in Shopping Mall

To judge whether air is polluted, there is a simple standard, smell. A bad smell means air polluted. The floor where restaurants and bakeries gather together is usually full of various smell from grilling, roasting and cooking, and this is air pollution. People concentrating and environment relatively closed, air pollution indoor is worse than outdoor, and is more harmful to human body.  Therefore, a solution for air quality in a shopping mall is necessary.

Major pollutants in a shopping mall

1. Formaldehyde (HCHO)
HCHO is often the major indoor air pollutant of a shopping mall. Lots of shopping malls open as soon as decoration is finished. They even do business and decoration at the same time. Decoration is easy to cause benzene and formaldehyde contamination. Due to the closed environment of shopping mall, pollutants are difficult to spread out. Moreover, new clothes, hats and shoes on sale are often with pollutants benzene and formaldehyde.
2. PM10 and PM2.5
Nowadays, shopping malls tend to be commerce synthesized, selling not only clothes and daily commodities, but also foods. Therefore, PM10 and PM2.5 also become the air pollutants in shopping mall, indoor pollution is worse than outdoor pollution. Some specialists said that cooking smoke is the source of PM10 and PM2.5. A test result shows that PM2.5 generated by Chinese cooking reaches 800μg/m3 at short range. This is unqualified in daily detection standard. Many restaurants concentrate and cook in a closed environment. PM10 and PM2.5 generated by cooking cannot spread out, and cause a second time pollution because of interaction.
3. Smell of baking
Smell caused by baking is also a kind of air pollution, in which ethanol and aromatic hydrocarbon are pollutants. Aromatic hydrocarbon hurts human respiratory tract and skin. Staying in an environment polluted with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for a long time may cause acute or chronic harm to human body, with symptoms like solar dermatitis, folliculitis and wart.

Standard of CO2 concentration and feeling of the human body deserve our vigilance
A shopping mall usually has bigger visitor volume, closed space and CO2 concentration exceeding the prescribed standards. When CO2 concentration is below 700ppm, indoor air quality is good and people feel comfortable; between 700ppm and 1000ppm, air quality is fair but some sensitive people don’t feel good; over 1000ppm but within 1500ppm, air quality is at a critical point which many people feel uncomfortable.

indoor air monitor

Injury brought by air pollution in a shopping mall:

The environment of shopping mall is closed. Except the pollutants in air, bacteria also often exceed the prescribed standards. If without a good air ventilation and purification system, staying in such an environment for a long period time will cause a bad influence on body. Some people have a blushed face, chest distress or feel dizzy. This is the body reaction.

Air in a shopping mall influences more on baby. It can even cause the damage of respiratory system or hematopoietic system. Therefore, parents had better not to take infants or kids to the places where people concentrate often.

Lots of researches prove that it’s not good for people to stay long at a closed place where people gather. The indoor air pollution is far worse than that of outdoor. We should take this issue seriously.

Solution for the air quality in a shopping mall:

Our air monitor can detect temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOC, HCHO, and so forth. At the same time, it transmits gathered signals through Wi-Fi to data server for remote supervision and analysis. By means of combining our smart plug and purifier, when indoor air quality is below the standard, air purifier turns on automatically; when air quality reaches the standard, the air purifier turns off automatically. Our air quality monitoring system provides high technology for the environmental management, monitoring, evaluation and control of the air quality in shopping mall, and able to detect and control various air pollution problem in time. In the meantime, it can provide information, advertisement and monitoring data for guests through display screen, to build a “visible” green, healthy space for shopping malls.

smart control of air quality

We offer solutions for smart air control and power control.

Air quality monitoring system: provides indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring and improvement, big data analysis, system platform.
Smart IoT system: provides solutions for integrated control of electrical appliances at home, in office and in school, and get electricity record for analysis, to achieve efficient, safe and intellectual management.