Smart Power Control System for Office Building

Smart power control system can provide offices an efficient, economic and safe working environment. 

In an office building, people often forget to turn off lights, computer and water dispenser when they leave company, and these devices keep consuming electricity. Such negligence results in the electricity bill at the end of month.  For solving such problem, we offer a solution.

Our smart power control system can help enterprises to solve the problem of shutting down electrical appliances, to make the use of electricity economical and to avoid the waste of money.  Moreover, this system has various functions such as electrical appliances management, office equipment linking, multiple timing control, remote checking of electricity status and multiusers authority management.

5-pin smart plug

Based on smart power control products and platform.

In a traditional office environment, owing to lack of effective supervision, electrical equipment such as computer, air conditioner and printer are often still power-on after office is closed.  And this causes an unnecessary waste of electricity and money.  Usually, the condition of office equipment cannot be known after all staff leave the office.  When office is in a hidden danger of wire ageing, current too big, over voltage and under voltage, a serious disaster may happen if we can’t get the information in time.

We focus on building a smart control system, based on smart power control and platform, for non-residential application. To carry out the project, we just need to change the switch panel or plug in the smart plug on wall. After having connected with wireless network, we can skip the traditional IoT box mode and construct a direct cloud operation system, realizing the remote operation of all electrical devices.

2-gang smart switch

Alarm notice and app remote control are available.

Along with the rapid development of mobile internet, applications of mobile control increase substantially.  Obviously,  the appearance of smart control and management of office equipment by mobile internet device introduces a new working style in office. Thus, we develop a smart power control system which offers an integrated platform for visualized monitoring and management.  It ensures electrical safety, saves space and electricity, and builds intellectualized conference.  Besides, alarm notice and app remote control are available.

5-pin smart wall socket

We offer solutions for smart air control and power control.

Air quality monitoring system: provides indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring and improvement, big data analysis, system platform.
Smart power control system: provides solutions for integrated control of electrical appliances at home, in office, in school and in public places. By analyzing the electricity data, we can achieve the highly efficient, safe and intellectual management.